Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje today said that a pilot project to encourage farmers to use modern innovations and farming technology should be initiated in Baran district.


She directed officials to connect with specialists in the field of agricultural marketing, animal husbandry, horticulture, warehousing, cold chain and food processing to work on the pilot project for the farmers' welfare.

The chief minister said that there was a need to encourage farmers to start cash crop cultivation using modern methods of farming. Cropping pattern of cash crops and other options related to agriculture should be studied and work should be done in this direction, she said during a public meeting in Baran-Atru assembly area today.

Baran-Atru falls in Hadoti region of Rajasthan and opposition has been targeting the state government for neglecting farmers issues and has blamed it for not taking plight of rising farmers suicides in the region.

Raje said that there was immense potential for farmers other than conventional farming in Baran and neighbouring districts, if adopted it can help farmers prosper.

We should learn new ideas and technology from Israel and use minimum chemical fertilisers. Methods of micro-irrigation and drip irrigation should be adopted, she added.


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