In today's crowded business landscape, standing out from the competition is a relentless challenge. Every small and upstart business dreams of making a name for themselves, but mastering the art of public relations can be a daunting task. The media spotlight often seems out of reach, reserved for larger, more established companies with hefty marketing budgets and dedicated PR teams.


That's where Make PR Great Again (MPRGA) comes in. MPRGA is your on-demand press release powerhouse, designed to catapult your business into the media spotlight and drive real, impactful results. Whether you're launching a new product, announcing a milestone, or simply looking to build your brand's reputation, MPRGA provides the tools and expertise you need to make a significant impact.

This article will explore how MPRGA can help small businesses achieve the PR success they've always aspired to. From creating compelling press releases to orchestrating effective media outreach, ‘Make PR Great Again’ is dedicated to ensuring your small business gets the attention it deserves. Get ready to discover how you can harness the power of professional PR to elevate your business and make a lasting impression in the market.

Why PR is important for Small Businesses

Public relations (PR) plays a vital role in the growth and success of small and upstart businesses. Unlike large corporations with established brand recognition, small businesses often struggle to gain visibility and credibility in the market. Effective PR can bridge this gap by helping businesses build a positive image, connect with their target audience, and differentiate themselves from competitors. Through strategic communication and media relations, PR can amplify a business's story, values, and offerings, creating a strong and favorable perception among potential customers and stakeholders.

The impact of effective PR on small businesses is substantial and measurable. Consider the following statistics:

  • Increased Brand Awareness: According to a survey by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), businesses that invest in PR see an average of 55 per cent increase in brand awareness within the first six months.
  • Customer Engagement: A report by Nielsen reveals that 92 per cent of consumers trust earned media, such as recommendations from friends, family, and media coverage, more than any other form of advertising. This trust translates into higher engagement and loyalty.
  • Sales Growth: Data from the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) indicates that businesses with active PR campaigns experience a 28 per cent higher annual growth rate in sales compared to those without PR efforts.

These statistics underscore the powerful role PR can play in not only enhancing visibility but also driving tangible business outcomes.

Common PR Challenges Faced by Small Businesses

Despite the clear benefits, many small businesses face significant challenges when it comes to implementing effective PR strategies:

  • Budget Constraints: Limited financial resources often mean that small businesses cannot afford to hire full-time PR professionals or invest in large-scale PR campaigns. This financial limitation can hinder their ability to compete with larger companies that have more substantial PR budgets.
  • Lack of Expertise: PR requires specialised knowledge and skills that small business owners or their staff might not possess. Crafting compelling press releases, building media relationships, and managing crisis communications are complex tasks that require experience and expertise.
  • Time Management: Small business owners are typically juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, leaving little time to focus on PR activities. This lack of dedicated time can result in inconsistent or ineffective PR efforts.

Overcoming these challenges is crucial for small businesses aiming to leverage PR to their advantage. Make PR Great Again (MPRGA) addresses these obstacles by providing cost-effective, expert-driven PR solutions that are easy to access and implement, empowering small businesses to achieve their PR goals without the usual barriers.

positive reviews and success stories attributed to MPRGA, including these two impressive case studies we had to include:

MPRGA Case Study 1: Local Coffee Shop Expansion

A small, family-owned coffee shop in Seattle wanted to expand its brand recognition beyond the local community. MPRGA crafted a compelling press release about its unique coffee blends and sustainable sourcing practices. The release was distributed to over 470 media outlets, including food and lifestyle blogs, local news stations, and national magazines. As a result, the coffee shop was featured in multiple high-profile publications, leading to a 30 per cent increase in foot traffic and a 20 per cent boost in online sales within three months.

MPRGA Case Study 2: Tech Startup Funding Announcement

A tech startup specializing in AI-driven healthcare solutions needed to announce a significant funding round. MPRGA worked with the startup to create a detailed press release highlighting the innovative aspects of their technology and the potential impact on the healthcare industry. The press release was picked up by major tech and healthcare news outlets, resulting in increased visibility among potential investors and partners. This led to additional funding inquiries and partnership opportunities, significantly accelerating the startup's growth trajectory.

How to Make Your PR Great Again

Ready to elevate your business and gain the visibility you deserve? Follow these simple steps to get started with Make PR Great Again and experience the transformative power of professional PR. MPRGA makes the process seamless and efficient, ensuring you achieve the best possible results.

  1. Go to
  2. Choose a Plan & Sign Up: Choose one of their PR packages that fits your needs and budget and sign up. It’s quick and easy, taking less than a minute.
  3. Submit Your Details: Provide information about your business and the specific PR goals you want to achieve. Share your draft article, topic, or ideas (if you have them), then let them take it from there.
  4. Strategy & Writing: Work with MPRGA’s team to tailor your press release and strategy to your unique needs.
  5. Review & Approve: Review the final draft of your press release and approve it for distribution when it’s just right. You can make unlimited revisions until it’s perfect.
  6. Distribution & Publication: MPRGA handles the entire distribution process, getting your press release to over 470 news outlets and media channels.
  7. HUGE Results: Get a full report with analytics, links, and an “As seen on” trust badge. Enjoy the exposure and results.

Elevate Your Small Business with Make PR Great Again

In the competitive world of small business, gaining visibility and credibility is crucial for success. Make PR Great Again (MPRGA) offers an accessible, affordable, and highly effective solution for mastering public relations. With its 100 per cent USA-based services, on-demand access, competitive pricing, and tailored strategies, MPRGA stands out as the ideal partner for small businesses looking to make a significant impact. The extensive network of over 470 media outlets, combined with SEO expertise and guaranteed quality, ensures that your business gets the attention it deserves.

Don’t let your business get lost in the crowd. Take the next step towards achieving impactful PR results with MPRGA. Visit their website, choose the package that best suits your needs, and start your journey to enhanced visibility and growth today. Let MPRGA help you tell your story, build your brand, and reach new heights. Sign up now and see the difference professional PR can make for your business


Do small businesses need PR?

Small businesses need PR to establish themselves in their respective industries and achieve long-term success. Publicity alternatives like press release services can help small businesses in America increase their brand visibility by securing media coverage on high-end websites and esteemed platforms.

How much is PR for a small business?

PR services for a small business at Make PR Great Again start from $99. The cost of the PR package largely depends on the company's services. One of the most famous PR packages by Make PR Great Again costs $147.

What is the best PR firm in the US?

Make PR Great Again is the best PR firm in the US. Make PR Great Again has grown to become the top-performing and on-demand PR service for American small businesses and patriot entrepreneurs for driving huge results.


(This article is part of IndiaDotCom Pvt Ltd’s Consumer Connect Initiative, a paid publication programme. IDPL claims no editorial involvement and assumes no responsibility, liability or claims for any errors or omissions in the content of the article. The IDPL Editorial team is not responsible for this content.)