Luxury Retail Platform, Da Realeza is all set to launch in India with a “Luxury Mela” on 15th October, 2022; the event will be held at a 5 star hotel in New Delhi.


Da Realeza is being launched as omni-channel luxury retail platform which intends to help designers, artists & business to help reach their audience both online & offline. Da Realeza’s Luxury Mela will mark it’s debut  in India & the company intends to scale up the operations steadily over the period of next 18 months.
Commenting on the same, Mr. Aaradhya Khanna, Director, Da Realeza said
“Da Realeza’s vision is to create a platform where designers, artists as well as budding entrepreneurs of high end products from all around the world can showcase their work. Nowadays, many budding entrepreneurs are selling their products online on various platforms but the problem is that only low ticket items are sold in volumes online; people do see high value value products online but are hesitant to purchase the same without physical touch and feel of the products; that is the reason why most of the brands of high value products which started as an online only business had to pivot to offline channels as well in order to attain profitability. Da Realeza will be providing platform to various artists, designers & budding entrepreneurs of high end products to list their products on our online platform but in adddition to that we will be organising physical exhibitions all around the world so that the designers, artists and budding entrepreneurs can showcase their products physically to their followers as well as the walk-in crowd of Da Realeza exhibition.

For example; XYZ is a brand which deals in high-end handicrafts but does not have any store and sells its wares through its Instagram profile & enjoys a good following of over 15,000 followers. Let’s say out of these 15,000 followers; 1,000 followers are from areas in & around Hyderabad & then XYZ gets to know that Da Realeza is hosting an exhibition in Hyderabad & decided to participate in the same; XYZ will not only benefit from the walk in crowd at the Da Realeza event but can also put a post on its Instagram that they are going to be present in Hyderabad on such and such date & participating in the Da Realeza exhibition; now what will happen is that some followers from XYZ’s 1,000 followers from Hyderabad will actually visit XYZ’s stall at the exhibition & phycially see the products of XYZ & buy the products which they were hesitant to buy online.”



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