An industry delegation Sunday called on Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik and stressed on the need for exercising restraint by security forces to avoid civilian casualties. A delegation of Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) headed by its president Sheikh Ashiq Ahmad raised several other issues including the need for exercising restraint by the security forces while dealing with unarmed civilians during anti-militancy operations, a spokesman of the chamber said.


He said the delegation expressed concern about the repetitive loss of lives and urged for the need of giving space for peaceful protests.

The delegation also apprised Malik about the need for the consequential measures required for local entrepreneurs to benefit from the package. "Attention was drawn towards issues like non-availability of land, delays in essential permissions like pollution clearance and power sanction, logistic issues and other operational problems faced by the industrial sector, the spokesman said.

He said the governor also was briefed about the neglect faced by the traditional handicrafts of the state and made several suggestions for the revival of the sector like promotion of clusters, reduction of GST. While thanking the state for the prompt response for releasing of compensation to the farmers whose orchards were damaged by the snowfall, the delegation urged for early implementation of the Crop Insurance Scheme, the spokesman said.


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