However, one of the biggest challenges of this journey is getting enough members. Even reaching 1,000 members is difficult for many!


But not anymore, because we are here to share all the possible strategies to add more members to your Telegram group!

Buy Real Telegram Members

Often, even after following the best practices, it’s difficult to make it big with your Telegram group. If you’ve put a lot of effort on this, it’s easy to get disheartened.  Many even give up on their Telegram dream because of slow member growth.

A great way to overcome this issue is to buy Telegram members. Seek a reputable Telegram member seller that only offers 100 per cent authentic members with real people and legit activity behind them. 

This will give you the confidence and motivation to stay focused on your dreams. Further, the huge member count will also be your social proof of having a reliable group. More people will be interested in joining your group from there on!

3. Share Valuable and Engaging Content and Interact

Ultimately, content is king on every social media platform. So, ensure you only offer valuable and engaging content to your members. This will help both attract and retain valuable members. Further, if members are engaged, they’ll invite more people to join the group.

Without impeccable content and regular interaction, even if you gain new members, they will eventually leave your group.

Here are some effective tips to make your content even more effective!

  • Post regularly to keep the group active and engaged. Share updates or any other relevant discussion.
  • Ask open-ended questions and host quizzes and polls to encourage more participation from the members.
  • Collect exclusive news, details about special offers, hot topics that aren’t yet viral, or other information that is not available to any other group or online and share those.
  • Notice when the group members are most active throughout the day and share updates during that time. A consistent posting schedule encourages more activity and creates anticipation among all members.
  • Interact with the most prominent members regularly, including those who contribute to group growth. If anyone has concerns, address those.

4. Collaborate with other Groups and Channels

Identify other Telegram groups and channels in relevant niches and with a similar target audience. Make sure you’re not each other’s direct competitors. Connect with group admins and channel owners and collaborate with them.

You can promote each other’s groups and form a mutually beneficial pact. This way, both of you will gain each other’s audiences and grow.

Alternatively, you can also find more popular Telegram channel owners/group admins with an audience relevant to your group. Pay them for a shoutout or promotion and expose your group to a wider audience.

5. Optimise the Group

Since Telegram lets users search for public groups, you can enhance the visibility of your group by following these tips:

  • Incorporate relevant keywords that potential members search for in the group name and description.
  • Add relevant hashtags to boost the group’s reach in the platform’s search function.

6. Host Giveaways and Events

Another strategy is to make your Telegram more attractive and appealing to potential members. For this, use different events, such as:

  • Giveaways: Host an event where potential participants must join your group. Offer a lucrative prize for the winner.
  • Live Q&As: Host live Q&As with niche-relevant influencers and experts. Share the news about the event on other platforms to urge them to join.
  • Referral Contests: Ask your existing members to invite others to your group. They must share a screenshot for as many members as they add to the group. Reward the member that attracts the most members. You can also offer them special roles, such as moderators, or give them a shoutout.

7. Leverage Different Platforms

If you have accounts on other social media platforms or have a loyal audience elsewhere, you can also invite them to join your Telegram members. For instance,

  • For those with a strong presence on any of the social media platforms: Post video content about your Telegram group. Remind them about all the benefits of joining the group.
  • For bloggers or those who have a website: Share a flash message about joining your Telegram group and its benefits in short. Add the flash message both on the home page and the contact page.
  • For those with an email list: Send a custom email invitation to join your group.

Make sure you add the link to your Telegram group in all cases.

An even better trick is to get more members on Telegram before you invite new members from other platforms.

This way, when they visit your Telegram group, they’ll notice that there are several members and be impressed. There will be a higher chance of them joining the group, making your efforts more effective!

Final Thoughts

Besides these, you must also ensure the complete security of the group by using moderation tools. Prevent spammy activities and share clear rules about fostering a healthy and positive environment.

Remember that increasing the number of members in your Telegram group requires strategic moves like these, Simultaneously, you must maintain engaged and satisfied members.

So, embrace these diligently and build a thriving community in your Telegram group!



(This article is part of IndiaDotCom Pvt Ltd’s Consumer Connect Initiative, a paid publication programme. IDPL claims no editorial involvement and assumes no responsibility, liability or claims for any errors or omissions in the content of the article. The IDPL Editorial team is not responsible for this content.)