Can You Befriend a Robot?

Since the early days of the internet, scientists have been discussing how artificial intelligence could replace or complement human relationships.


When social media became popular about a decade later, interest in the space exploded. The book "Clara and the Sun", which won the Nobel Prize in 2021, explores how humans and lifelike machines can form meaningful relationships.

And as interest grew, so did concern over evidence that technology use could impact our sense of belonging (and therefore loneliness). According to some studies, excessive use of technology (gaming, the internet, mobile devices, and social media) is associated with increased social anxiety and loneliness.

Research has also found that some online roleplaying game players seem to experience less loneliness online than in the real world and that people who feel a sense of belonging on a gaming platform are more likely to continue using it. All of this suggests that technology use can positively impact loneliness, that it can indeed replace human support, and that the more a person uses it, the more enticing it becomes.

lifelike roleplay. An excellent example of such a service is the platform. On it, users can choose the desired hero, who will flawlessly play his character and communicate freely. It seems like a miracle, but AI personalities work so realistically that you can forget that you are playing with a machine.

The list of characters is constantly growing so that users can diversify their games. Thus, using AI for entertainment and communication is no longer a fantasy but an actual reality. The focus on personal interactions in AI roleplay highlights the potential of AI to create more than just efficiency; it speaks to its ability to make connections that would otherwise be impossible. Through personalized and context-sensitive conversations, AI-powered chat generators are helping to shape a world where no one needs to feel disconnected from reality.

AI companion is that it does not devalue or criticise, allowing you to gain the peace and confidence lost in communicating with people. For those who are bullied, humiliated, insulted, and otherwise attacked by society, digital avatars become "salvation" and the only opportunity for full-fledged communication—even if it is not very lively. In addition, the AI ​​friend always shares the user's interests, agrees with him, and does not create serious conflicts.

Another essential advantage of such an interlocutor and friend is that he is always available and has no inconvenient time for communication. It makes him not only an excellent option for psychological support for lonely people but also a salvation for the elderly, who are left without attention or receive it in minimal quantities. Artificial intelligence can monitor them 24/7 and inform loved ones about any changes (or deterioration) in their condition.

Downsides of AI Chats

However, the idea of ​​​​active communication with AI avatars is not without its drawbacks. Firstly, a person who constantly interacts only with a computer experiences difficulties with further socialization. He gets used to a convenient communication model with technology, which is quite predictable (does as programmed), and forgets about the peculiarities of living people. Adequate perception of living interlocutors with natural reactions and their interests is lost. It can result in mental personality disorders: in particular, an emotionless behaviour model develops. Such disorders are caused not only by excessive communication with an AI chat personality but also by possible isolation and ignoring the outside world and society as a whole.

Future of the Trend

Developing speech recognition technology to combat social disorders and loneliness opens up opportunities for various projects. For example, social robots can help aging people live a more exciting life. By 2050, every fifth person in the world will reach 65. In nursing homes, robots can engage older people to develop social connections with other residents when chronic loneliness is an epidemic with far more significant health risks than the risks of connecting with a robot. With the elderly population growing and care workers shrinking, AI with social and emotional intelligence can fill this gap by expanding our human capabilities.

There will also be social solutions for children. A child learns best when he or she receives individual attention. However, given the overcrowded classrooms, this is almost impossible to achieve. In such a situation, a social robot can replace a human teacher. This is already being done by Tega, who can tell stories and initiate conversations independently (not just answer questions) and test and expand children's vocabulary. Thanks to face recognition technology, the robot records reactions and responds to their behavior accordingly. It acts more like a peer than a teacher, encouraging students in a childlike voice and becoming their friend.

Numerous studies have shown that emotionally intelligent robots interact and communicate with humans in a human-centric algorithm, creating emotional connections and supporting people more effectively than previous technologies. Emotional AI is not just a tool we use, but a sensitive listener and, as a result, who knows, maybe your friend.


Used in moderation, a relationship with an AI bot can have positive functional and emotional benefits. But the key is to understand that while it may give you a sense of support, it is unlikely to help you develop a sense of belonging enough to stop you from feeling lonely. Of course, it is best to interact with real people, using the AI ​​only as a tool for play. So make sure you get out there and make real human connections. It provides an innate sense of belonging that even the most advanced AI can't match (at this point).



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