Prices of groundnut and sesame oils rose by up to Rs 200 per quintal at the wholesale oils and oilseeds market today on fresh buying by vanaspati millers and retailers.


Castor oil in the non-edible section, also edged up on increased offtake by consuming industries.

Traders said fresh buying by vanaspati millers and retailers against restricted supplies from producing belts mainly led to rise in groundnut and sesame oil prices.

In the national capital, groundnut mill delivery(Gujarat) oil rose by Rs 100 to Rs 8,900 per quintal.

Sesame mill delivery also shot up by Rs 200 to Rs 8,400 per quintal.

In the non-edible section, castor oil too ended higher by Rs 100 to Rs 8,600-8,700 per quintal.

Following are today's quotations (in Rs per quintal): Oilseeds: Mustard seed Rs 2,950-3,050 and Groundnut seed Rs 2,150-2,900. Vanaspati Ghee (15-litre tin) Rs 800-1,000.

Edible oils: Groundnut Mill Delivery (Gujarat) Rs 8,900, Groundnut Solvent Refined (per tin) Rs 1,650-1,750, Mustard expeller (Dadri) Rs 7,950, Mustard Pakki Ghani (per tin) Rs 1,300-1,345, Mustard Kachi Ghani (per tin) Rs 1,350-1,450, Sesame Mill delivery Rs 8,400, Soybean Refined Mill Delivery (Indore) Rs 7,400, Soybean Degum (Kandla) Rs 7,000, Crude Palm Oil (Ex-Kandla) Rs 5,000, Cottonseed Mill Delivery (Haryana) Rs 6,450, Palmolein (RBD) Rs 6,450, Palmolein (Kandla) Rs 6,500 and Coconut (per tin) Rs 2,650-2,700.

Non-edible oils: Linseed Rs 8,800, Castor Rs 8,600-8,700, Neem Rs 5,350-5,450.


(This article has not been edited by Zeebiz editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)