The country can only progress when citizens carry out their duties and responsibilities as enshrined in the Constitution, Prime Minister's economic advisory council chief Bibek Debroy said Saturday.


"India is not going to become a better governed state, a prospering economy, if one expect only the government to do various things. India will become better only if we, as the citizen, also play our duties and responsibilities as enshrined in the Constitution," Debroy said at a seminar organised by Foundation for Public awareness and policy.

Debroy said that governance involves people and it is more about decision making process.

He pointed out towards Swachh Bharat Mission saying it is successful due to public participation.

"Most important role for any government is ensuring defence, external security, internal security and speedy administration of justice delivery. If it is not done, it is not a success," he said while mentioning the government's initiative to reduce litigation through Legal Information Management and Briefing System (LIMBS).

He also commented on summer vacations in judiciary.

"It still has summer vacations. All of us are entitled to leaves, that does not mean organisational shut down. No other organisations as a whole shuts down because some people want to go on leave," he said.

About GST, he said that GST is a work in progress.

"No other country has made a transition to GST very fast," he said.


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